This movie involves a 32 year old man, Jeff, meeting a 14 year old girl, Heyley (who's played by that Kitty Pryde chick from X-Men 3) on the internet and them deciding to meet face to face. They meet in a coffee shop and completely hit it off, and after chatting for a while she suggests they go to his place so she can listen to a song. She mixes a couple of screwdrivers, and after drinking his, the 32-year old dude passes out and wakes up tied to a chair.
Freaky movie. Wasn't graphic or anything, just somewhat intense. The acting was pretty solid, and I like a lot of the dialogue. The idea of it is scary too, though the movie doesn't clarify a few points. Basically, this 14 year old girl tortures this guy (mentally, for the most part, but there's a pretty neat castration scene) 'cause she suspects he's a pedophile. He's swears his not, but I tend to side with her on this one so it's hard to feel at all sorry for him.